Oh, these are all SO, SO good. This started when I posted A Taste Of Honey's "Boogie Oogie Oogie" on Dec 20, 2011 and wanted to compare it to other songs from that year. This may be my favorite posting so far. Also in 1978 Loretta Lynn wins best country artist of the year, Bee Gee's "Staying Alive" soundtrack is no.1, Nancy Spungen dies in Chelsea Hotel.
Finally, all the words to "Ring My Bell"...
Always reminds me of making up a dance routine to this with my babysitter on the beige living room carpet. Also of George Hamilton as Dracula in that Love at First Bite movie...
BASS LINE. Bass appreciation week starts now.
Watch this for the introductory guitar solo by Nancy Wilson.
When Joan Jett fronted the band, no Cherie Currie. Great song.
Unusual song by Siouxie. Just can't get enough of this.
In my heart I'm into glam rock the most.